Wednesday, August 10, 2011

WednesDIY: Guests are my favorite.

If you know me you know this: I LOVE...L.O.V.E...La-Uv having people stay at our house. One of my favorite things to do in preparation for such lovely events (a little trick passed down from my Mama) is to make a welcome basket for our super-awesome guests. I figure our guests should know JUST how excited we are to have them with us! Here's a little sneak peek at one such welcome basket (they're all similar, to be honest)...

I start with a sweet basket that just happens to match our guest room perfectly.

...add some personal items (toothbrush/paste, loofa, shampoo/conditioner, body wash, get the idea)

Maybe I'll throw in some snackies...

...and a magazine...

Then, depending on how long they're staying (if it's only one night, I stop above), I'll throw in a few local favorites... a gift card to a coffee shop close to our house, a postcard, something made locally, some fruit and crackers for midnight munchies... it really depends on how crazy I get.

It usually ends up looking something like this:

Want to come stay at our house?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Grilled Zucchini Pizza Slices

I saw this yummy-looking scrum-diddly-umptious Grilled Zucchini Pizza Slices recipe on Pinterest and HAD to try it.

Here's my attempt:
I switched things up a bit... since I had about a billion long zucchini, I opted to use those up rather than buy a big round one (like the one used in the original recipe).

I sliced them up about 3/4" to 1" thick and slapped some EV Olive Oil on both sides.

Then... TO THE GRILL. This was my first time using the grill on my own. I was a little worried - as the Hubs wouldn't be home to rescue me for another 30 minutes. I crossed my fingers and prayed I wouldn't blow anything up. I left them on for about 8 minutes so they were soft-ish, but not mushy (some I left a little longer).

After scooping them off the grill (laying them grilled-side up), I spread on some tomato sauce (I wasn't about to buy "Pizza Sauce" when I had about 80 cans of good ol' tomato sauce in my cupboard), sprinkled some mozz. cheese and threw on a few chopped up pepperoni slices.

Then back to the grill (still hoping for no major mishaps) for another 5 minutes or so.

I put those bad-boys on a platter and threw a couple plates, some silverware and the Hubsters' favorite beer on the table and we were ready to rock and roll.
